Dog training rooted in empathy, understanding and modern behavioral science.

At Pawsitive Progress Dog Training, we provide private, one-on-one training sessions to help build a bridge of communication and understanding between you and your furbaby.

More akin to a couple’s counselor than a traditional dog trainer, our goal is to help you effectively communicate what you need from your dog and similarly, to help you understand what your dog needs from you in order to be successful

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Examples of How Pawsitive Progress Can Help

Agility/other sports

Basic commands

Chewing on inappropriate items

Counter surfing

Door issues

Enrichment plans

Excessive barking

Polite greetings

Polite leash walking

Poop eating

Potty training


Separation anxiety



*Experiencing or seeking a behavior that is not listed, just ask!

Training Services

  • Initial Consultation

  • Silver Training Package

  • Gold Training Package

  • Platinum Training Package

  • A la Carte Training Sessions